'Be The Answer' is a mantra that we at treth sport have created to represent our belief that impact is more important than profit. Since actions speak louder than words, and to ensure IMPACT NEVER COMES SECOND, we as a sports fashion label have committed to donate 50% of our profits to charities of your choice. We have provided this choice, to give you the opportunity to support the specific causes that are close to you as individuals.
Being "The Answer" though, isn't just about donating 50% of our profit to charity. Rather, it encapsulates how we as an organisation, brand and collection of individuals want to engage with the world, in all facets of life.
If we all 'Be The Answer' to peoples needs, and you allow this mantra to become part of your mentality, then together, we can truly answer the worlds call for help. Because 'many hands make light work', so too do many hands make great impact.
So whether thats joining the treth movement and combining the shopping experience with a charitable one, or volunteering at a local shelter..
All we ask is,